This is today's round of #TwitterFic - Shout-outs to the folks on Twitter. And all in 140 characters or less.
Authorities gave up on @TennesseeZombie-held since the beginning of the Apocalypse. But they didn't realize it was the seat of the Queen.
It was the clever commercial for @Zombie_BGONE that caught CW's attention, but it was the Zombie babe using it that drew him in.
Amy was an @ArtsyBookishGal who frequented poetry readings in stylish coffee shops. And that's where the Zombie found her.
"@zombiePETZ will never be practical," Ryan said, "until we find a way to keep them from oozing onto the carpet."
After she was @RatedDPrincess Mayv went on a killing spree that embraced most of Manhattan.
As an @AuthorArnold found killing easier in person than in print: Victims require neither metaphors, nor similies.
No one realized that @TammyLafontaine had been turned. She was a nightowl by nature. Suspiscioun grew as the neighbors vanished.
"I @MissLizVicious," Barry said. "She knew what the pointy end of the stake was for." Outside, Liz waited for Barry's exit and a chance to introduce him to her fangs.
When his friends helped @JasonEscape, they had no idea that he'd been infected. Now, they're all part of the horde.
When he found @deidraalexander had no idea that Deidra had been Turned. Now, Alexander is literally joining her for dinner.
Lorraine didn't @MissHaunted houses one bit after she was bitten by the Zombie. After all, now it was she who could do the haunting.
When they asked for the @RealAaronGrant to stand up, the audience wasn't prepared for the Zombie rush to the stage.
When courting @LaFemmeLestat's only rule was to be generic. But, Jessie was not generic. She staked Lestat, and took his name for her own.
The @zombieblog was his own idea, a way chronicling his transformation from alive to dead-alive. In the end, he smashed his keyboard.
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